
FrauenPower e.V. aims at strengthening the empowerment of girls and women, through better access to education, training and employment opportunities.
We do not have the answers to solve all the world’s problems but feel even a small drop of water is enough to cause a positive ripple effect and to create change in the lives of girls and women around the world.
The problems relating to poverty and gender discrimination are diverse and challenging. These problems are often exacerbated due to cultural, religious and customary practice.
It is widely known that education and investment in girls and women creates an upward spiral that lasts beyond their lifetime, breaking the cycle of poverty in just one generation [1]! Such an investment creates long-term social and economic benefits for all people, their communities and the world as a whole. Studies and research [2] show that educated girls and women:
Increase their personal earnings potential (only one year of school education from the age of 10 correlates later in life with a wage increase of about 25%.);
Contribute significantly to economic growth;
Invest up to 90% of their income directly into their families (compared to 30-40% for men);
Have healthier and better educated children (educated women provide children with better nutrition, health-care and spend more on their children);
Have smaller and more sustainable families (for every additional year of mother training, a child reaches an average of additional 0.32 years of life);
Do not marry very young;
Are less likely to have children when they are young; and
Increase their agricultural yields by up to 40% and thereby help to satisfy global hunger.
The education of girls and women is the deciding factor for the progress of virtually all development outcomes, from a decline in both child and maternal mortality rate to economic growth, to democracy and justice. We at FrauenPower e.V. want to play a role in this process by empowering girls and women so that they have a better future for themselves as well as their families.
[1] https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/why-educating-girls-makes-economic-sense
[2] https://www.usaid.gov/letgirlslearn