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Newsletter 3 (English, December, 2019)

Writer's picture: MayuriMayuri

Dear Members and Friends of FrauenPower e.V.,

Welcome to the last edition of our Newsletter (for this year) that aims to briefly highlight FrauenPowers’ activities in the past few months.

FrauenPower e.V. has just celebrated its first anniversary and we are proud of what we have achieved (in association with our partner NGOs) in this short span of time:

· Over 500 Mising women (one of the lower casts) have managed to learn to read and write in Assam (India)

· Over 500 women in Kathmandu, and its neighboring areas, have undergone health checkups, conducted by volunteer doctors from a major hospital

· 16 women have managed to become „Ecopreneurs“ (understanding the benefits of the organically grown local grains and adding value to them) and in south India

· 20 women from slums in Nairobi, Kenya, have been trained to become sales agents for Zuri hair-care products, and have changed their (and their families) outlook on their environment and society, thanks to their exposure to the SoCCs (social capital credits) initiative:

Our plans for 2020:

Funding for the following activities and projects have been approved (as of October 2019, with a few more projects awaiting assessment) to empower girls and women in 2020:

· 200 girls will receive training to become “menstruation hygiene managers” in Odisha, India.

· 20 girls and women will be trained to provide sexual education and family planning in Odisha, India.

· 40 women will be trained to start a sanitary napkin manufacturing unit in Odisha, India.

· 200 girls and women will receive training to become professional weavers in Assam, India.

· 30 teenage girls (from severe home environments) will receive therapy, education and training in a safe centre, in Ahmedabad, India.

· Up to 300 girls and women will be undergo a medical check-up in the Kathmandu, Nepal.

· 120 women will be trained in Nairobi, Kenya, to become sales agents, and also play an active role in implementing the SoCCs initiative.

Promotion and Fund-raising:

FrauenPower took part in its first “promotion event” at Manz Garten Centre in Neckartenzlingen, from 16th to 17th of November, during the Centre’s “Tage der Sterne”, a pre-Christmas event. The event was a success, both for getting word out about what we do to promote women, and for our account; we made over 700 Euros from donations and from the sale of Zuri bags (made by a project we are supporting in Nairobi)! If any of you are interested in buying the lovely bags, please send us mail and we can send you pictures of what is currently available. We would like to thank Antoniella for organising this event, and Alexandra, Dirk, Rita and Sabine for helping out (in freezing temperatures). Our special thanks also go to Family Manz for giving us the space to showcase FrauenPower e.V. and for their hospitality.

The Board members would like to take this opportunity to thank all the generous donors who are helping us empower women in Kenya, India and Nepal, and also thank all the partners we work with, and who make our work possible, in these countries namely: Asia Initiatives, New York, USA; I-CARD, Assam, India; Kevin Rohan Memorial Eco Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal; M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Kolli Hills, India, and The Zuri Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya.

FrauenPower e.V. wishes everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and all the best of health, happiness and success in 2020!

With best regards,

Mayuri (and the FrauenPower Team)



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